Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Third day..week one

Today is was one of those days that are kinda relaxed days. Many of the kids that usually did the program had basketball games today. 
    I started the day off at 3:30 as usual, going in and talking to melissa to grab the sticks out of the closet. She then put an announcement over the intercom system to let everyone know that field hockey program was starting. I went directly outside and waited for the kids. As I waited about five minutes some kids showed up. They proceeded to grab the sticks and balls and start messing around until everyone got there. So I waited a couple more minutes and then a couple more people showed up. So we got right to it by introuding myself to the kids and then having them say their names. After getting to know one another, I asked the kids if they wanted to play a game, they all were very excited and said yes. So we got right to playing a game the game that we played yesterday the numbers keep away. The kids had a hard time listening today, so we played the game for about 20 minutes and then called it quits for the day. I just let them run around and pass with each other for almost a half hour. Many of the kids were so into learning how to play they would come up to me and ask me to teach them how to hold the stick or how to dribble. There was this one kid who I was so amazed by, all he wanted to do was bounce the ball on his stick in the air. Yesterday I showed them how to do it and I counted how many times I could do it in front of them and I got up to 80, so this kid chris was so into making it past my score that he non-stopped bouncing the ball. So I gave him a couple pointers, like that he needs to focus on the ball and watch it. He loved it. Then I played one on like 5 with them. They all wanted to beat me and see if they could dodge pass me because I showed them a couple of moves. We ended around 5:30 because dinner was called. So I picked up all the sticks and balls put them in the bag and brought the bag back to melissa to put back in the closet. Then I went to Steve Kelley and asked for pictures from the other day so I could put them up and he made a CD for me. Then after five minutes of that I went upstairs and sat with some kids that needed help on their homework. I helped them with fractions, reading, and adding and subtracting. This brought back all the stuff I learned a while ago. I ended around 6:30 and went and watched the girls basketball game for a couple of minutes. 
   This club is awesome it brings all the inner city kids to a place where they don't have to be on the street getting into trouble but they can have some place to go. I think this club is awesome, it makes you realize that it feels good helping young kids achieve their dreams!!!


Michele Koenig said...

Awesome! Love the pictures and can sense your energy for the project and compassion for the kids. Great job, Mac!

Kate Minister said...

yeahhhh girl!! I miss you! Love the pictures way to go to work son!!

Anonymous said...

thats so cute... the one with the pigtails is so cute! i miss you so much! hope youre having fun!