Thursday, May 8, 2008

Fourth day..went well

Another day at the club. I started at 3:30 and went inside to grab the sticks and balls. Then I came outside and there were the kids waiting for me to give them a stick. Then we all got into 2 circles and introduced everyone to each other. Then we did a passing game where there were 2 circles and each circle had one ball and then they passed to each other by saying the name of the person they were passing to. Then the kids got bored of that and asked to pass around for a few so I let them work on their skills they have been taught in the past few days. Then after about 15 minutes of that I made 2 teams and had them play a little game where there was 5 people from one team that played against the other team with 5 people it was like a mini field hockey game. Then we played till they all started to get into fights because they would say that that person didn't score and everything or he/she did that wrong. Then after that game we each got into pairs where they lined up next to each other and the pair lined up behind them. Then we had a race where they had to run to a certain point with the ball dribbling it and then going back so there partner could go then they would sit down and wait for their partner to come back so they could win. The kids were really good at this, it surprised me. We then decided to just go on our own and pass and shoot around. The kids all wanted to learn new tricks and how to bounce the ball on the stick also. Then at around 5:10 the club workers called a Club meeting where all the kids had to go sit in the gym and that where they were giving awards and also saying the schedule for the next few weeks. I enjoyed watching the kids sit there and listen it was amazing how the kids listened to the people that worked there. It looked as if they respected them a lot and looked up to them. I really got a good feeling working there. It made me want to mentor or even work there in the future. After the meeting was over around 5:30 all the kids went outside or to play or do homework and I went upstairs and helped the kids do homework.
I get a great feeling going into that club each day because I feel that the kids look up to me and want to achieve there goals like I did. I left the club around 6:30 after doing homework with the kids.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you have your hands full, but you're managing to keep the kids engaged in learning. Keep up the good work!