Friday, May 16, 2008

Fun friday..May 16th

Today at the club it was another crazy day.
  I went to the club around 12:30 and went and talked to Steve Kelley about getting my time card into Michele. Then we had a meeting with the staff about kids against violence day during the summer and around that club today. So after about an hour of meeting and discussing things we went and cleaned the gym and stacked the vending machines full of food and soda. Then after stacking the vending machines and cleaning the gym, we cleaned the hanging out area and swept all around the tables and all that good stuff. Then the kids started to arrive and they brought be into the game room because they wanted to take me on a game of pool, so I went with them and was beat 3 times. They are pretty amazing at playing those games. I am actually glad they are good at those games instead of doing bad things on the streets. So after playing pool I went over to the T.V area where some kids were playing with action figures and talked to them about where the action figures were from and so on. Then I played connect four with some kids that were really into the game and then went over to the ping pong table where I taught kids how to play the game. That was the fun part because they would always think they were winning because they hit the ball hard. It was pretty cute the way they tried hard to convince me that they won. After teaching the kids how to play that game I went to the gym where some of the kids wanted to play me on a 2 on 1. That's where I got beat by eight year old. I felt pretty bad when they beat me. But then after about a couple of hours of that I went and played jump rope with the girls where we did some fun games. 
  Today was another bad day to play field hockey because it was raining outside and there were too many things going on inside that we couldn't put field hockey inside. So I made up for field hockey and played tag. We played freeze tag for about a half hour where the kids loved it. Then we played some more basketball for a couple of minutes. Then the kids brought me upstairs to the teen room where it was Fun Friday, where they had a little dance going on. I stayed up there and hung out with the kids and danced with them for until 7:30. 
  At the end of the day I always come out of the club always having fun and being able to know that I taught the kids something that they may have not known.

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