Thursday, May 15, 2008

Thursday..May 15th...

I went to the club today at around 11:30. I went and worked early with the staff members doing stuff around the club that needed to be done, such as; cleaning the pool, cleaning the weight room etc. After all that was done we hung out and watched the staff play basketball until the kids started showing up at 2:30. Then I started playing with the kids by doing basketball, whiffle ball, and jump rope. During that time the kids have such an amazement with just you playing with them. When I played with the kids we had a basketball game like 1 on 1 and the person on the side plays the winner. So we played for about an hour and then went swimming for about 2 hours with the kids. this part of the day was fun because just being with the kids and having fun with them. This day was more active then the rest. We ended up not playing field hockey today because there was other activities that were taking place over the field hockey time. I didn't mind not having field hockey because the kids were tied up with other activities that I could help with and help coach or teach. These activities also show me that I can be able to show leadership to the kids by letting them know that I can teach them and show them things that they might now know how to do. After playing basketball with the kids we went to the game room and played pool and Foosball and board games. I just love being with the kids and having them show me what they know, because it gives me accomplishment to know that they can teach me things and I can teach them things. After playing games I went upstairs to help with homework for about another hour and the kids love me up there because I actually help them out a lot with their work and they get it done faster so they can go and play downstairs. So I ended up staying until 9 tonight to help clean up the gym after all the kids left. 
    I had a good day being with the kids and learning the same things I learn everyday and many new things. Even though I ended up not being able to play field hockey today. It was a fun day

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