Sunday, May 25, 2008

Last Weekly reflection May 25th

The boys and girls club of Lawrence was the best thing that happened to me. This week has been absolutely the best of them all. I really enjoyed being around the kids and just letting them know I am there for them whenever needed. I really enjoyed going to the club everyday because it gives you a sense of goodness in you to feel that you are doing something not just for yourself but also for people around you.
    I learned that to be a good coach/leader you need to be able to handle the craziness of the kids and just to be patient with them. This really taught be a lot about being able to handle rough situations like that. I learned this by not just playing field hockey, but also by teaching them how to play ping pong or help them out in the homework room. It was a great experience to be able to learn how to be a coach and leader to these kids, to help lead them in on a good path instead of a bad one. 
  I am so glad I chose the Boys and Girls club because I really was able to get an understanding of how the kids work, and really get involved when they have opportunities available to them. During the activities I chose to help them kids out with, I think they were able to keep the kids busy while they were at the club and to not be bored and think that its not a fun place to go to. These activities were playing pool, helping out in the homework room, swimming, playing basketball, playing field hockey. All these activities were a great help to be able to get to know the kids and be apart of their lives. 
  I didn't have that many surprises this week because the surprises mostly came during the first week. I was just glad to be with the kids and not just teach them field hockey but to also teach them other things too. 
  I benefited from this week because I really got an understanding of the kids lives and what they want to achieve. This gives me a personal achievement also. It made me achieve the ways of being a leader to the kids. This was an achievement because when I get out of college or even in college I want to be someone in a kids life that he/she can look up to or even take after because I am achieving my dreams and goals in life.

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