Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Learning new things..Tuesday..may 13

Today was another day at the club...
   I showed up around 1 again and started on some community service. By helping clean up the gyms and sweeping and do activities to keep me busy till the kids got there from school. When the kids got there around 2:40 I went upstairs and helped with homework. I did this until 4 o'clock and then went straight downstairs and got the stuff for field hockey and went outside. Today I decided that we were going to have a big game outside where they were each playing against each other two teams. After the big game we then just shot around and passed all the stuff that we worked on during the week before. I feel as if it is a lot harder to keep control of the kids. I think that doing field hockey for about an hour or less everyday is better because the kids get very A.D.D and want to start a new project. So it is hard for me to want to keep them on field hockey when the kids just drop their sticks and go play something else. So I am going to limit my playing time to about 45 minutes everyday and then go help them on what ever they need to be helped on. Or maybe start a obstacle course tomorrow where they have to do some crazy stuff and not be all about field hockey. I think that will help them get their minds off other stuff and at the same time be playing field hockey and learning it. 
   Later at around 5:30 we went inside because supper was called and the kids lined up to go eat. Then there was these basketball games again around 6, where I helped out with the clocks and did that until it ended at 9. During these times I always feel like I am a big help because there are so many kids that are yelling and screaming that they want to do this and that, that the staff gets confused so I help maintain the kids while the staff does the things they need to get done.
     I love the club because it has so many things that the kids can do there such as they have a pool to go swimming, a game room, a homework room, gyms, work out room, dance studio, art room, computer room. While being there earlier so lets me look at things in a different way when its quiet and peaceful. But when the kids are there is crazy and out of control, but they make it fun by just keeping themselves busy to make the time fly. 

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